Thursday, December 11, 2008

No Child Molester Has Ever Been Cured

Therapy does not change a person’s sexual proclivities - otherwise one would be able to change homosexuality.

I turned to a renowned criminal profiler from the American Violent Crimes Institute, Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, to comment on the Toronto-based psychotherapist’s statements.

- What I see are the offenders who do act on their desires. You have to remember that those who are sexually attracted to children have a deviant compulsion. I have been studying sex crimes for 2 decades and working with police here in the United States on thousands of cases, and almost exclusively, if an adult is using child pornography, he is on the way to becoming an offender – the profiler said.

- Another thing about pornography is that people who are addicted to it are trying to get emotional needs met that cannot be met in that way; so many of them escalate, looking for more varied and extreme types of pornography. An addictive process is a vicious circle with the motto: "if it's not working, do it more"--which sometimes means more recklessly. Under present-day laws, people who watch child pornography are endangering themselves.

- They are not content to just look. They are always trying to get more to feed their fantasies. After a while, the photos are just not enough, and they begin going out and stalking children. All of the child molestation cases I have worked started in the offenders’ childhoods where they found themselves attracted to other children. This attraction never left them, so when they grew up, they secretly searched for child pornography. After that, they became molesters.

- And that is just what it is: a compulsion. Well functioning adults are aroused by adults, not children. This is not normal and bound to create a great deal of emotional difficulty for the person experiencing the deviant desires – profiler Schurman-Kauflin told Javno.

- In nearly all of the cases that I have worked with psychotherapy has been successful. I help the client to make lifestyle changes and build better relationships. For some it is fairly quick and easy, but others have a lot to learn about how to have good relationships, and that takes longer – psychotherapist Beth Mares maintains.

- I have never seen a case where a child molester was cured. Therapy does not change a person’s sexual proclivities-otherwise one would be able to change homosexuality. And we all know that homosexuality is not something that can be changed. I would venture to say that if an individual is sexually aroused by child pornography, that person would not be above hiding it. I would not believe one word from the mouth of a person who masturbates while watching children.

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