Tuesday, December 30, 2008

DVD sales of 'Hounddog' a concern

A campaign is under way against sales of the DVD of the movie Hounddog.

Child star Dakota Fanning is in the film, which many family advocates have said is not suitable for children -- or for adults. Donna Miller, who serves as a chapter leader with Concerned Women for America of North Carolina and heads up the "No More Child Porn" campaign, agrees.

"Parents need to know that it's an R-rated movie," she states. "There is a graphic child rape scene. Also there are several sexual situations with Dakota Fanning's character."

Miller explains why the film is not even acceptable for adults. "A former molester contacted me and told me that this type of movie was very dangerous for people with a perverted sexual habit," she shares.

"Right now, Amazon.com has it on their website for pre-ordering. That's my concern initially," says Miller.

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