Thursday, December 11, 2008

Child rapist gets 100+ years

The punishment for raping five young girls: a prison term of 129-189 years.

That sentence is what Kenneth Ashcraft deserves, one of his victims said.

"Mr. Ashcraft has stolen all of our innocence from us. ... We all were scared to tell what happened," a 16-year-old Middletown girl told Judge Noah Powers in Butler County Common Pleas Court on Tuesday.

The Middletown girl said Ashcraft, 41, of New Miami, needed a life sentence to give him "enough time to think about what he did to all of us." Her statement brought some courtroom spectators to tears.

But Ashcraft showed no emotion. He also said nothing on his own behalf, even after the judge gave him two chances.

"The court cannot help but be persuaded by the fact that the defendant preyed on child victims," the judge said.

When Ashcraft took the stand during his October trial, Ashcraft claimed the young women who testified against him were liars, Powers noted.

"What he did was wrong and he won't do it to another innocent little girl," the 16-year-old Middletown girl said after court.

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